5 Essential Tools For Non-Designers To Bookmark

A few weeks ago, I hosted an interactive session as part of Apple’s…

How Infographics Help to Engage and Educate Your Audience

Whether you’re a teacher, a marketer, or have pretty much any job that involves…

Marketing to millennials: building a communications strategy

As the first digitally native generation, millennials have re-written the…

Using Visual Communication to Improve Understanding Within Your Team

Whether you’re a small business or a large organisation, your employees are…

Your Social Media Channels Need a Visual Strategy

What does ‘content’ mean to you? For many marketers and brand owners, the…

3 Steps to Creating Awesome Social Video Content

Hang out anywhere on the internet, and you’re just a click, tap or a swipe from…

How Non-Profits Can Use Data Visualization for Good

Data visualization is useful for all sorts of things – mainly making…

Animation for Business: Using Motion Graphics to Communicate Effectively

Animated infographics are no gimmick. Like their static siblings, they’re here…

The Basics of an Engaging Report

According to science, humans have the attention span of… oh look! A Pokémon!…

How To Design The Perfect Investment Pitch

Fact: any pitch can be scary. But there’s something about investment pitches…